Downsides of Using a WooCommerce Shopping Cart for Free Downloads

In my last post, I offered 7 Reasons to Handle Free Downloads with Your WooCommerce Shopping Cart and ended by saying that there are some downsides to consider as well. Let’s dig right into those along with some solutions. Continue reading Downsides of Using a WooCommerce Shopping Cart for Free Downloads

WordPress 2.9 Media Features Voting

WordPress logoThe WordPress folks have announced that the 2.9 release will focus mostly on media handling features. They have posted a list of features for consideration and are asking everyone to vote on their favorites.

I applaud them for a great list of useful enhancement ideas, however, I would love to see it approached from a slightly different angle. Continue reading WordPress 2.9 Media Features Voting

President-Elect Barack Obama Uses Hide-a-Pod

Back when I created my little Hide-a-Pod site joke, I never would have guessed it would get dragged into presidential politics.

In fact, I had been thinking the phenomenon had just about died down with newer Zune models and traffic to the site tapering off. Then 9to5 Mac brought it back up as an explanation to reports that president-elect Obama was seen with a Zune.

So maybe our next president was just protecting his iPod … but all as part of his plan to bring the country together by carrying both devices.

I often get more laughs out of what others do with Hide-a-Pod than the original joke. Nice job 9to5.