Free downloads are a great way to draw attention and traffic to your site. They also allow potential customers to sample what you have to offer, and hopefully gain an interest in your paid products. Rather than just providing a link for a free download, I much prefer to run those downloads through my WooCommerce shopping cart. There are a number of great reasons for doing this: Continue reading 7 Reasons to Handle Free Downloads with Your WooCommerce Shopping Cart
Category: WordPress
Articles about WordPress, my favorite blogging platform and light CMS. Includes news of my own plugins.
Finding WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies Already in Use
I’ve recently been evaluating WordPress shopping cart plugins to choose the best one for a project I’m working on. One of things I wanted to know is what database tables, custom post type, and custom taxonomies each plugin adds. The reason is that I favor plugins that don’t add extra tables because it’s easier, faster, and safer to use the well-tested functions already built into WordPress to customize the way I want the site to work. Continue reading Finding WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies Already in Use
Loading WordPress’ Thickbox Only When Needed
I like to use Thickbox on my site to display images and videos in overlay windows. In WordPress, it’s easy enough to use wp_enqueue_script( ) and wp_enqueue_style() to load the built-in version of Thickbox. It automatically takes care of including jQuery, putting the css in the header, and the javascript in the footer.
But there’s no need to have the bloat of Thickbox and jQuery loading on all pages when most of them don’t even use it. That’s why Joost de Valk detailed a nice tip to only load thickbox when needed by checking the page content for references to it. All it takes is a few lines of code in your functions.php file.
Unfortunately, you end up with some broken images because the built-in Thickbox defines their locations in thickbox.js as relative paths: Continue reading Loading WordPress’ Thickbox Only When Needed
Detecting When Gravatar Has No Image
[This information in this post is out of date. Please see Gravatar, AppleScript, and the OS X Address Book Revisited for more current information.]
We’re on our way to building an AppleScript to update all of the contacts in your Mac Address Book with pictures from the Gravatar service. This is part 3 of the series.
Part 1, Gravatar, AppleScript, and Address Book Pictures, introduced the topic and ended with a short AppleScript to construct a Gravatar URL given an e-mail address.
Then in part 2, Setting an Address Book Picture with AppleScript, we built a script showing how to successfully set a contact photo in Address Book.
Now we need to detect when the Gravatar service does not have an image on file for a given e-mail address. Continue reading Detecting When Gravatar Has No Image
WordPress & My iPhone in the Garden
I just had to try the new WordPress application for the iPhone. So I snapped a couple photos while out in the garden gathering lunch and wrote this post.
It connected to my blog effortlessly and allowed me to easily add categories, tags, and a photo.
Great job WordPress team!
I only have a couple minor gripes that I hope will be addressed later:
1. It would be easier to type if the application supported landscape mode and the wider keyboard that provides.
2. It’s too bad WordPress does not extract and store the GPS information along with the other metadata it grabs from photos.
I would love to hear comments from others who have tried it. How has it worked for you?