Free downloads are a great way to draw attention and traffic to your site. They also allow potential customers to sample what you have to offer, and hopefully gain an interest in your paid products. Rather than just providing a link for a free download, I much prefer to run those downloads through my WooCommerce shopping cart. There are a number of great reasons for doing this: Continue reading 7 Reasons to Handle Free Downloads with Your WooCommerce Shopping Cart
Global Warming at Walgreens?
It’s not unusual to see all sorts of problems and errors on the Walgreens lighted signs around here. But this one is the best with the temperature at 506 degrees F. I don’t know if it was intentional, but if it was, props to the employee who went with the fun and added the other slides between the temperature screen!
E-book Download Icons

I recently set up a web page for downloading an e-book that is available in multiple formats. I had already been using a small document icon to decorate PDF download links, and now I wanted matching icons for the mobi and EPUB format too.
A Google search didn’t turn up what I was looking for so I created my own based on the PDF icon from the Fugue Icons set by Yusuke Kamiyamane. He so kindly released his icons under a Creative Commons attribution license and now I’m doing the same with the extra two icons. Continue reading E-book Download Icons
iOS 5 Safari Now Has Native HTML5 Date and Time Pickers
This falls under the category of sometimes it’s the little mundane things that can get me excited…
I’ve been wanting mobile Safari to have native date pickers ever since I started creating Web apps for iPhone. Every time I dealt with date fields I had to create pickers with javascript that were just not as good as those for real iPhone apps. I had been checking to see if native pickers were included in each iOS release but forgot about checking iOS 5 until now. Continue reading iOS 5 Safari Now Has Native HTML5 Date and Time Pickers
Getting the Bad Behavior Extension to Work with MediaWiki 1.17
Update: This procedure should not be needed with current versions of MediaWiki. Just grab the current version of Bad Behavior and follow the Bad Behavior MediaWiki installation instructions.
I recently updated my robotic lawn mower site running an old version of MediaWiki to the current (as of this writing) version 1.17.0. The wiki had been filled with a bunch of spam users so after cleaning that up I thought I would add in the trusty Bad Behavior extension to keep some of the bad guys away. Long story short: it didn’t work and despite much Googling I couldn’t find a current solution.
So for my own future reference and to help anyone else dealing with this, here is how I made it go. Continue reading Getting the Bad Behavior Extension to Work with MediaWiki 1.17