iOS 5 Safari Now Has Native HTML5 Date and Time Pickers

This falls under the category of sometimes it’s the little mundane things that can get me excited…

I’ve been wanting mobile Safari to have native date pickers ever since I started creating Web apps for iPhone. Every time I dealt with date fields I had to create pickers with javascript that were just not as good as those for real iPhone apps. I had been checking to see if native pickers were included in each iOS release but forgot about checking iOS 5 until now. Continue reading iOS 5 Safari Now Has Native HTML5 Date and Time Pickers

I Don’t Want a Verizon iPhone

Rumors of a Verizon iPhone have been circulating for years. Even though none have materialized, the news ticker on our TV today showed that the mainstream media has picked up the topic…again. This new surge of rumors seems no more likely than previous batches. I suspect they are fueled only by wishful thinking, which I can’t completely relate to.

I may be in the minority, but I don’t want a Verizon iPhone. Continue reading I Don’t Want a Verizon iPhone

Filling Mac Address Book Pictures with Gravatars

[This information in this post is out of date. Please see Gravatar, AppleScript, and the OS X Address Book Revisited for more current information.]

This is a multi-part tutorial series on using Gravatar from AppleScript to update your Mac Address Book pictures automatically. These pictures then sync to your iPhone for Gravatar goodness on the go.

I’ve had some AppleScripts to work with Gravatars and Address Book hanging around in rough form for quite a while. But I was recently prompted to clean them up and write these tutorials when Matt Mullenweg posted about Gravatar on his blog saying that “we need a better way to get Gravatars into your Apple address book / iPhone.” I hope that the documentation and tools from this project will be used for other creative Gravatar integration projects.

We’re about to put all of what we learned in part 1, part 2, and part 3 together to make our working script. Continue reading Filling Mac Address Book Pictures with Gravatars

Gravatar, AppleScript, and Address Book Pictures

[This information in this post is out of date. Please see Gravatar, AppleScript, and the OS X Address Book Revisited for more current information.]

I’ve always been a fan of adding photos to the people in my Mac Address Book application. It’s a nice personal touch when the photo appears on e-mail messages from people I know. And now that I have an iPhone, those photos sync to the phone and show up in my contacts and when I get calls.

But wouldn’t it be nice if we could add photos to our contacts without doing them all manually? Well, that’s where Gravatar and a little AppleScript will do the job. Continue reading Gravatar, AppleScript, and Address Book Pictures

WordPress & My iPhone in the Garden

I just had to try the new WordPress application for the iPhone. So I snapped a couple photos while out in the garden gathering lunch and wrote this post.

It connected to my blog effortlessly and allowed me to easily add categories, tags, and a photo.

Great job WordPress team!

I only have a couple minor gripes that I hope will be addressed later:

1. It would be easier to type if the application supported landscape mode and the wider keyboard that provides.

2. It’s too bad WordPress does not extract and store the GPS information along with the other metadata it grabs from photos.

I would love to hear comments from others who have tried it. How has it worked for you?
