What Makes Some People Bald?

We picked up an old book at a garage sale titled The Book of Wonders. It has a copyright of 1914 by Presbrey Syndicate, Inc. The description on the inside cover reads

“Gives plain and simple answers to the thousands of everyday questions that are asked and which all should be able to, but cannont answer.” 

It’s been the source of some good laughs. This is our favorite entry. It explains that baldness is caused by wearing hats, just as flowers die if you block them from getting enough air circulation. 🙂

What Makes Some People Bald?

Lazy Lawn Mowing

Sometimes a low-tech solution to automation is all that is needed to save a lot of work. Although I now use robotic lawn mowers, you might still enjoy the story of how I once turned my gas-powered walk-behind mower into a work-saving autonomous mower. My neighbors certainly found it amusing. (More on that later.)

This simple hack cut my mowing time to about a third of what it used to be. I’m not sure of the exact cost because most of the parts were scrounged. Even the mower was a $30 garage sale special. In total, I probably spent less than $50 for the whole project, including the mower.

Continue reading Lazy Lawn Mowing

It’s Spring and Even the Porcupines are in Love

Kissing porcupines screenshot from the Merry Melodies cartoon "Unnatural History".Happy spring everyone! Our Illinois Winter has seemed a little longer this year so it’s nice to feel things warming up.

Every spring I recall an old Looney Tunes or Merrie Melodies cartoon from my childhood. The cartoon starts out looking like a nature documentary as the camera pans through the forest. Then the narrator says, “It’s spring … even the porcupines are in love.” Two porcupines repeatedly pucker up, kiss, then jump back in pain with an “ow ow ow ow!” You gotta love that classic Looney Tunes humor. Continue reading It’s Spring and Even the Porcupines are in Love