WordPress 2.3 Upgrade Compatibility Check Plugin

WordPress logoI have a bunch of WordPress sites to upgrade to the new version 2.3. There have been a few changes in this version that can result in errors with some plugins and themes. To make my upgrades easier, I built a plugin to check other plugins and themes for compatibility.

I decided to release it in case it’s of use to others. More information and a download are on my WordPress Upgrade Preflight Check plugin page.

This is my first plugin that I’ve released publicly. I’m certainly not an expert PHP coder, so please go easy on me. 🙂 Suggestions for improvements are welcome.

Finally Converted My Own Site to WordPress

I’ve helped so many other people set up WordPress but never got around to doing it on my own site. Sure, I’ve been running versions here from time to time to test things, but I hadn’t linked it in for public consumption. Now that version 2.3 is out, it seemed like a good time to fully make the switch.

Hopefully, this will entice me to blog about a few things as I think of them because it’s now so easy to do. Some of my old articles are still getting a decent amount of views so I’ll soon be moving those into posts and redirecting traffic there.

I still haven’t settled on a theme. I’d like to customize one for this site but I just don’t have the time right now. Thanks to Jim Mitchell for his bogart theme. It’s clean and easy on the eye so it will definitely do the job for the time being.